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3rd Timperley Cubs 3 night summer survival camp

Writer's picture: Altrincham ScoutsAltrincham Scouts

After a summer of meetings at Dunham Scout campsite for fun and games 3RD Timperley Cubs had a 3 night summer survival camp. Who would survive Leaders or Cubs? The camp started wet as the Cubs, leaders and parents pitched camp. With the site set up the cubs played their one and only game of football followed by supper. This due to leaders being trained had to be rebought. The Cubs then had a game of spotlight before bed.

The next morning the Cubs had a fry up breakfast and headed out to do a major pioneering project. The Cubs started by practising their Knots and lashings. Their challenge was to build a catapult. Then Cubs began to construct the catapult. The knots and lashings were of a high standard and after a quick break the project was complete. Water balloons, footballs were then fired before the structure finally gave up. The Cubs were proud of what they had made and although took a few hours to build took minutes to clear away. Once lunch was clear away the Cubs hit the slope as grass sledging took place. The Cubs raced downhill some with more control than others and saw some cool crashes. After some wide games the Cubs planned and followed a bearing course with the use of CB’s. The pack then prepared for a night hike around the local area. Along the dark route the Cubs clambered up river bank paths, crossed fields and spotted something in the shape of a UFO. The Cubs completed the hike in excellent time and once back on site head off bed.

The final full day saw the Cubs prepare for a night of survival. The Cubs learnt to hunt by making Dutch arrows and how to light fires with flint and steel (3rd Timperley’s Cubs preferred this fire lighting method) to do some backwards cooking in the form of twists and making cake in an orange whilst brewing nettle tea. The afternoon saw the Cubs then build the shelters which the brave would spend the night in. 3 Cubs and a Scout Helper took up the challenge and with their survival bags. They then picked the best shelter to sleep in. 2 Cubs gave up and returned to their tents just before the rain started to fall. The final pair braved the elements and decided that and completed the challenge. Once they had got warm and had a top notch breakfast told tales of their night. The only thing to do now was to strike camp and head home for a good rest.


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