3rd Timperley Cubs took advantage of the prolonged good weather and took to the saddle and headed out for a bike ride. The Cubs and some parents met a 11am and headed along the Bridgewater canal before changing to a more open pathway to build up some speed. The Cubs made good progress with only a few mechanical failures along the route. The Cubs also show their road safety knowledge and cycling skills as they took the road to find a footpath to explore. The Cubs traveled though a field where a discussion was held as to what crop was being grown. After many strange suggestions the Cubs concluded that it was a turnip field. The Cubs continued their journey and found a secret den hidden in a wood which made a perfect location for lunch. After a few puncture repairs and brake adjustments the Cubs got back onto their mechanical horses and followed the trail over styles and down sloops back to the Bridgewater canal where the Cubs took a more leisurely ride back to the start. Along their way back they took in the scenery, meet a large group of Guides hiking and picked up a herring who stalked the pack for the remainder of the ride. Everyone had a great day and some even wanted to go round for a 2nd time.
