On Sunday 5th October 3rd Timperley Cubs took a trip out to the Crocky Trail. The Cubs met early and were soon exploring the Rides and having fun. 1st up was a spinning disc which all the Cubs scrambled on to. Once in the middle of and they sat down and held tight to each other, then with a push of a button the disc span around throwing the Cubs off in all directions. The sound of laughter rang out from the hut and after every spin the Cubs ran back on again. The Cubs really enjoyed this Ride and was hard to get them to move on to something else. Next up was the slope. This looked quite a tame simple looking attraction but in reality it was very difficult challenge. All the Cubs had to do was to slide down one slope then Climb back up the other slope while avoiding those who had failed to climb up and were sliding back down to the bottom. To add to the falling bodies everyone’s shoes were also wet which made the surface extra slippery. After this the Cubs had a go at the barrel run and the Cubs favourite “titanic” a slide which started flat then was elevated to try and force the Cubs to slide down which even after a good shaking proved difficult. Just before Lunch the Bravest Cubs entered the haunted dungeons and afterwards took a ride in the Tardis. With Time running out the Cubs finally started the Trail. This consisted on a mile long path crossing various styles of bridges along the way each one different from the last. The Cubs swung across the stream, climbed through tunnels and took on all obstacles along the route back to the start where the Cubs had time to try their favourite rides out again including the Vertical drop slides. A good time was had by all including the Leaders.
