The Cubs headed to Linnet Clough Scout Camp for the Packs summer camp. The Cubs arrived and helped pitch the tents and watched the parents piece together the frame work of the new mess tent. Once the Cubs had set up camp they headed out for a spot of wooding while exploring the camp site. After a light supper it was still too bright for the best game ever so the Cubs went to their tents to get a good night’s sleep. The night was not a quiet one and not just from chatty Cubs as a thunder storm struck and lighting lit up the night sky. The next morning a handful of Cubs cooked breakfast while a 2 group of Cubs attacked the sandwich making ready for their walk later. The pack headed off for a couple of wide games followed by an adventure walk. Upon their return the Cubs took on “The Cube” a tower on which Cubs climb and jump off in a Leap of Faith. The evening saw games of Puttocks and Frisbeeball. The Cubs enjoyed a BBQ dinner and sat around a fire to sing some favourite songs. The Cubs told jokes and chilled out while telling everyone their best and worst moments. That night the Cubs got to sleep a lot quicker than the previous night and their reward was to be woken up nice and early next morning to try out archery. The Cubs had loads of chances to practise their shooting and were very good at hitting the targets by the end of the session. Once this had finished the Cubs set to work striking camp and only stopped to head off to crawl around the on-site Cave bus. The Cubs really enjoyed this and although was very hot inside the Cubs dragged themselves around the bus and went on it a number of times. Once the caving was over the Cubs finished striking camp and headed home. Over the weekend the Cubs face many challenges weather it was climbing the Cube, Crawling thought tunnels or just being away from home for the 1st time. Hopefully all the Cubs took something away with them which they will remember, Even if it’s the valuable lesson of what happens to those Cubs who keep leaders awake at night.
