3rd Timperley beavers went orienteering in Wythenshawe park. It was our first time orienteering with the Beavers and they loved it. It was a lovely sunny day. The Beavers arrived and were given a quick pep talk on what orienteering was ie using compass and map skills (they had been learning these over the past two weeks in their meeting in preparation for this) to find different posts. The Beavers were split into three team’s two leaders had teams and a parent helpers team.
In Team one, One Beaver lost a shoe in a sticky mud puddle, Beavers love puddles, they seems to have time for lots of breaks from the photos in team one.
In team two, three Beavers took good compass bearings and an extra Beaver helper. Most were interested in looking at the map when looking for the next marker so they knew which direction to head off in.
Team three, everyone had a go at map reading some seems to like using the map more than others. Not much compass work but they all seems to know their compass points and the general direction to head in.
Fun was had by all and team two were our winners with 30 posts found. Team three had 21 posts and team one had 20 posts.
